Definition of Yuh Dun Know: (slang) You already know; similarly used like, “of course!” to emphasize the validity of a fact.
Yuh Salt
Definition of Yuh Salt: (phrase) Used when the person speaking is experiencing bad luck.
Yuh Deh Home
Definition of Yuh Deh Home: (slang) Are you home?
Definition of Youthman: (slang) young man or woman.
Yeye Ball
Definition of Yeye Ball: (slang) Eye ball
Definition of Yahso: (phrase) Right here: the exact place where something should be.
Definition of Xaymaca: (n.) Jamaica; the original Arawak name for Jamaica.
X Amount
Definition of X Amount: (slang) Countless/many; to have a lot of something and be unable to count it.
Definition of Wutless: (slang) Worthless/useless
Wul a Fresh
Definition of Wul a Fresh: (phrase) Take a shower/bath.