Patois Dictionary
Discover Rasta words, expressions, and slang.
- A Dat Fi Appen To Yuh
- A Door
- A Fi
- A Fi Mi
- A Go
- A Gwine
- A Nuh Mi
- A Nuh Nutten
- A Suh Mi Duh Mi Ting
- A Suh Mi Tan
- A Suh Wi Dweet
- A That Wid Dem
- A True
- A Wah Duh Dem
- A Wah Duh Yuh
- A Wah Happen To Yuh
- A Watta Guwaan Yasso
- A Weh Dem Feel Like
- A Wey Yuh Deh
- Abeng
- Able
- Above
- Abuja
- Accompong
- Acid
- Ack
- Ackee
- Actoba
- Addi
- Adeebl
- Affeckin’
- Afta
- After
- Afternoon
- Age Paper
- Agen
- Agony
- Ah
- Ah Fi Mi
- Ah Gud
- Ah Suh Di Ting Tan
- Ah Suh It Guh
- Ah Suh It Set
- Ah Time Fi Guh Wholl Ah Sleep
- Ah We Still Ah Win
- Ah Weh Ee Deh
- Ah Who Fah
- Ah Yard
- Ahuu
- Aile
- Aks
- Aldoah
- Aldoe
- Aldoh
- Alias
- All Di While
- All Fruits Ripe
- All Now
- Almshouse
- Ambrilla
- Amma
- An
- Anancy Rope Tie Anancy
- Anansi
- Anda
- Anedda
- Anethuh
- Anex
- Annada
- Anno
- Anuh
- Anything A Anything
- Anyweh
- Apachuniti
- Arfritis
- Aright
- Aringe
- Arm Green
- Armagideon
- Asham
- At
- At Steppa
- Atoo
- Auntie Man
- Auufa
- Awah
- Away
- Awhoa
- Awon
- Baby Love
- Babylon
- Back A Woods
- Backra
- Bad Bwoy
- Bad Lucky
- Baps
- Batty
- Bruk Out
- Callalou
- Crawny
What is Jamaican Patois?
Jamaican Patois (or Creole) is a combination of an English based Creole language and West African based languages. Jamaican Creole came into existence as a medium for the slaves and their masters to communicate. The dialect was developed during the seventeenth century to facilitate the ‘seasoning method’, which was the process by which slaves were forced to discard their cultural identity including their mother tongue hence, Jamaican Patois was developed as the main form of communication on the slave plantation. Jamaican Patois is unique to the Island of Jamaica. However, it is spoken in the Jamaican Diaspora as well which include Miami, New York, Nottingham Birmingham and London.
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Patios Dictionary
Patios Dictionary