Deep Patois Words of Wisdom (Jamaican proverb)


The followings are deep patois words of wisdom (Jamaican Proverbs), I will be sharing five of them today. I hope you find it interesting and insightful:   Finger neber say ‘look here’, him say ‘look yonder’ – The finger never says ‘look here’, it says ‘look yonder’.This Jamaican proverb means that people do not usually point out their own faults. Peacock …

Thank You, Jah


Jah Jah, when you made me I was perfect, please put me on the path to become more like the day you made me. In you Jah Jah I seek to improve myself, please put your hand on my heart in order that I may fulfill this desire.’ Jah loves me and wants me to be my best at all …