Featured Rastaverse News
Message of Wisdom
Every week we feature a new Rasta prayer or quote of Wisdom thru JAH, so that you can seek a stronger faith. Hopefully, our featured quote will help inspire and strengthen your prayers.

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The Ital Way
No Salt

True Rastas avoid added salt in foods, especially salt with the artificial addition of iodine. However, some add pure sea or kosher salt to their food. Ital food is flavorful as is nevertheless, so skip the salt tonight and see for yourself.
No Chemicals

Secondly, Rastas believe that Jah exist in ALL living things. Hence, this is why eating Ital is so vital to Rastas. Ital cuisine involves a natural way of cooking because Ital foods are pure and from the bountiful Earth. In addition to their wholeness, they don't contain pesticides and artificial fertilizers. Since the 1940's, Rastas spoke out against pesticides and processed foods. In summary, Rastas believe that they are consuming the essence of JAH, since He exist in all living things!
Plant Based

Thirdly, The Ital way is following an all natural plant-based diet. Most importantly, Rastas believe we must nourish our minds, bodies, and souls by eating a natural, plant-based diet. In essence, they only absorb the positive energies in plant life. For this reason, they reject the consumption of negative energies associated with meat.
Rasta-Reggae Jukebox
Our Rasta Jukebox features Reggae selections that you can listen to whenever you're visiting Rastaverse. For example, you can explore pre-reggae classics, modern dance hall hits and more. At this time, take a moment and click play below and jam along with our Rastaverse weekly featured Reggae classics.
Jamaican Videos
Here is a collection of videos, so that you may gain a better insight into the Rasta Movement and Religion. In the meantime, check out our Video page more Rasta movies.